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Meet Louie, an Amber Link Rooster. Louie was dropped off in 2019. His destiny was to become food at our next processing. He came with another rooster who was an aggressive jerk. In contrast, Louie was a very calm and protective young boy. He had the potential to be a wonderful rooster on his own, but I’m sure the jerk rooster made him look that much better!
I don’t really remember why we decided to keep Louie, but it was one of the best decisions we’ve made on the farm. He displayed all the characteristics of a great rooster. Not just a good rooster, but a great rooster. Louie was always on guard. His would place himself in the middle of the hens and keep his head as high as possible to watch for danger. Louie was gentle to his hens, sharing his food and doing a dance for them before mating. We could pick him up, but after a minute, he wanted down so he could get back to work.

Louie quickly rose through the ranks to become the #1 rooster. We had several other roosters, each guarding their own zone. Some worked the front yard, side yard, or back yard. Louie would roam the farm all day checking on the other roosters. Like a good boss, he would fill in while they got something to eat. When they returned, he would check in with the next rooster. He also was the star of two YouTube videos called “The Adventures of Louie”.

Louie is becoming an old boy, and earlier this year he lost his #1 spot. Like us, chickens train, rise through the ranks, and then retire, only it happens in about 4 years. So Louie is in early retirement. He’s still a strong contributor in the rooster service, just not #1. If you visit, you’ll easily notice Louie. He will be rooster with great posture watching the sky.