Learn About Our Special Animals

Meet Sassy, a Speckled Sussex. I remember the day she was dropped off, but I can’t remember the year. I’ll guess it was 2018, and she was already a couple of years old. Sassy came with her brother Daniel, who passed away earlier this year. I think the family was getting away from chickens in favor of rabbits.
If Sassy were just another hen, we would have processed her a couple of years ago. But she has earned what we call Pet Status. She lays a few eggs in the spring, but that’s it. Otherwise, she’s a chicken pet to us.

Sassy has been a Fluffy Butt Friday model more than any other chicken. The white tip speckles over her brown and black feathers are stunning, and after each year’s molt, she gets more speckles. But that’s not why she earned pet status.
Sassy’s personality won us over. She follows us around, and lets us show her off to visitors. When we drive around on the John Deere Gator, Sassy will ride on our laps or in the cargo bed. Then when we stop, she hops on the front seat and looks ahead like she’s trying to figure out if she can reach the pedals. If there are snacks, she’s first in line. You can pet her or hug her, as long as she’s getting fed!

Chickens that free range all day don’t live much past 6 or 7 years old, so we know she doesn’t have a lot of time left. So we enjoy every minute we have with her.
Say hello to Sassy next time you visit. We only have two Speckled Sussex hens, so she’ll be easy to find. If you have snacks to hand out, she will be the one at your feet.