Learn About Our Special Animals

Meet Kelly, a Copper Marans. Kelly came to our farm before she was even a chicken. She was just an egg. In the fall of 2018, we were asked to teach a class at the Possum Creek Five Rivers MetroPark. After the class, we were given some eggs laid by their chickens. We incubated the eggs, and four chicks hatched. We named them Grace, Kelly, Cary, and Grant.
Kelly is quite the character. Her favorite trick is to jump on your shoulders or head when you’re not looking. At first, it’s a little startling when a grown chicken jumps on you. But over time, you begin to anticipate the jump, and notice her crouching into the jump position out of the corner of your eye. Kelly is in no rush to get down, so be prepared to carry her for a while. While many chickens don’t want to be picked up, Kelly loves to be held.

In 2021, Kelly decided to share herself by becoming a mom. Being a broody hen is no small matter. A hen sits for 3 weeks straight, getting up just a couple of times each day to get some water and a quick bite. She will lose a third of her weight, and won’t lay an egg for five more weeks. Kelly is an excellent mom, and became a mom again this past spring.
At four years old, Kelly is definitely an old girl. We see her slowing down. But her personality has earned her “pet status” and is welcome to jump on our backs as long as she is able. If you visit, Kelly might see you before you see her. If she jumps on your shoulder, don’t panic. We’ll help get her down.
Editor’s Note: Sadly, Kelly passed away shortly after this article posted in late July 2022. We miss her dearly.