Our Rent-a-Chick and Rent-a-Chick Hatch programs are very popular with teachers and homeschoolers, but some people either don’t live near Dayton, Ohio, or want to own the equipment so they can teach students every year. Here is a list of the equipment and information that will help you create your own kit. Expect to pay about $180 for the equipment listed below.
- Brooder Tub – Sterilite 106 qt (model 14998004) or Sterilite 105 qt (model 19290404). We’ve used both.

- Incubator – 12 egg incubator with candler and rotator. https://www.ebay.com/itm/175310043182

- Hygrometer – Single, large display. https://www.ebay.com/itm/124322742739

- Beginner Poultry Kit – Contains feeder, waterer, heat lamp & bulb. https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/double-tuf-beginner-poultry-kit-dtbpkit

- Candler – We recommend the IncuBright caldler, although you can use any small bright flashlight to see what is happening inside the egg during incubation. https://www.ebay.com/itm/331081957987

- Wire Top for Brooder – 1” x 2” welded wire. Purchase at any major hardware store.
- Risers for Feeder & Waterer – 6” x 6” x 1.5” wood blocks, sanded. These keep the bedding from getting in the feeder and waterer.
- Other Hardware – J-Clips, Zip Ties
- Tools – Drill, Rotary Cutting Tool or Utility Knife, Sand Paper, Measuring Tape, J-Clip Pliers

- Video on How to Make the Brooder – “Making a Chick Brooder”, https://youtu.be/6Ayh58BdGd4 This is the most difficult and time consuming step, but it secures the heat lamp to the lid, and keeps the chicks safe from pets.
After you gather the equipment, you’ll need fertilized eggs. Search for a local chicken farmer who has roosters. If you don’t want to keep the chicks that hatch, ask if you can donate the chicks to the farm. They might even give you free eggs!
Good luck building your incubator-brooder kit!