Dayton Area Farms Hatching Specialty Poultry

If you are looking for specialty poultry, check out these local farms.

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NameHatcheryWebsiteCityEmailPhonePoultryBreedsNPIP?Other Info
Ozzy SmithYellow Brick FarmsWww.yellow brick 572-7931ChickensBarred rock, Silver laced Wyandotte, Black sex link, Cinnamon queenNoWe offer eggs and chicks year round as well as rabbits
Aaron ZinkZink Family Farms and 620-5373Turkeys
Bourbon Red Turkeys & PeacocksNoFrom day old chicks to chicks off heat
Carol HolleyCheeper Buy Tha Dozen 335-3852ChickensBlack Copper Marans, Wheaton Marans, silkies, Ameraucana, Easter & Olive EggersYesNew farm with growing offerings
Kat DelgadoFox Run Farm, 725-0696ChickensBantam cochins and RIRNoHatching February through August. Also offer hatching eggs.
Alaina MartinHomesteading with HormonesWww.homesteadingwithhormones.comKaiser 844-1384ChickensSilkies, Yokohama, Chocolate Ameraucana, Belgian D’uccle, Welsummer/WelbarYesEggs and chicks year around. Shipping and public meet options available. No farm visits.
Jim Spohn4-S Farm and 207-1964ChickensBlack Copper MaransYesHatching eggs spring to fall. Straight run chicks.
JoshuaHailPitchin Hills 630-2275ChickensBreese, Easter Eggers, Olive Eggers, BCM, White LeghornIn Approval ProcessHatching eggs and chicks available during spring, summer, and fall. Shipping not available.

Jessica BeardBeard's Bird 561-4787ChickensAyam Cemani, Ermine Ameraucana, Silver 55 Flowery Hens, Chocolate eggers, Olive eggers, Salmon Faverole, ZombieYesLocal pickup and shipping for chicks and eggs
Kendra StamyStamy Acres 216-4304ChickensCoronation and Light Sussex, Black and Chocolate English Orpingtons, Olive Eggers, Muscovy Ducklings (spring thru fall), Quail, Pearl and Lavender Guinea FowlYesHatching eggs are available and can be shipped. _x000D_
We hatch Feb thru July, and often have coop ready pullets available in late summer through fall.
Tiffany SchoonoverLittle Schoon Poultry (LSP Homestead)LSP HomesteadWest 998-0088ChickensOlive eggers first Gen
Easter eggers
NoChicks and pullets March through September
Hatching eggs and eggs to eat
No shipping
Also have Pekin and call ducks
Brooke BryanCrosshatch 902-3806ChickensBCMs ('Purple Coppers'), Backcrossed Olive Eggers, Welsummer, Black Ameraucana, Ermine Ameraucana. Cayuga Duck, Narragansett Turkey, Coturnix QuailYesHatching Eggs, Chicks, Pullets, Cockerels
Amy OsbourneThe Quirky and facebookYellow 909-9233GuineasLarge Fowl - Black Copper Marans, Ameraucana(self-blue), Welsummers, Late gen olive eggers, Polish Crested
Bantams - Ameraucana, Olive eggers, BLue-Laced Red Wyandottes, Mottled Cochins