If you are looking for specialty poultry, check out these local farms.
Name | Hatchery | Website | City | Phone | Poultry | Breeds | NPIP? | Other Info | |||||
Ozzy | Smith | Yellow Brick Farms | Www.yellow brick farms.org | Dayton | ozzy@americandreaminvestments.org | (937) 572-7931 | Chickens | Barred rock Silver laced Wyandotte Black sex link Cinnamon queen | No | We offer eggs and chicks year round as well as rabbits | |||
Aaron | Zink | Zink Family Farms and Feed | www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064364152761 | Englewood | notakd817@msn.com | (937) 620-5373 | Turkeys Peacocks | Bourbon Red Turkeys & Peacocks | No | From day old chicks to chicks off heat | |||
Carol | Holley | Cheeper Buy Tha Dozen Farm | facebook.com/100866882758149 | Jamestown | navynursecarol@msn.com | (301) 335-3852 | Chickens | Silkie chicks & hatching eggs | Yes | New farm with growing offerings | |||
Kat | Delgado | Fox Run Farm | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090978673782&mibextid=D4KYlr | Jamestown, Ohio | foxrunfarmproduce@gmail.com | (937) 725-0696 | Chickens | Bantam cochins and RIR | No | Hatching February through August. Also offer hatching eggs. | |||
Alaina | Martin | JOVA FARM | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093680419498 | Kaiser Lake | alainadawn22@gmail.com | (937) 844-1384 | Ducks | We have Muscovy Ducks and Chickens (plus rabbits, sheep, goats) Chickens include: Bantams: OEGB-Lemon Blue, Silver Blue, few off shoot colors in this group Silkies-White, Partridge, Black Belgian D’Uccle-Mille Fleur, Silver/blue silver, black Chocolate Wyandotte Large Fowl Sultans (coming 2024) Cochin-Black, Buff (coming 2024) Australorp Welsummer Cream Legbar Lavender Orpington Black Copper Marans | Yes | Offer eggs and chicks year around as hens allow. Shipping and public meet options available. No farm visits. | |||
Emily | Phillips | Red White and Cockadoodle Blue | Redwhiteandcockadoodleblue.com | Mechanicsburg/Springfield | redwhiteandcockadoodleblue@gmail.com | (520) 208-7587 | Chickens | True Ameraucanas -black, white, ermine Black Copper Marans Wheaten Marans Olive/moss eggers | Yes | NPIP and AI CLEAN Eggs and chicks available starting end of April 2024 and continuing year round as hens lay. We do ship eggs as well! | |||
Jim | Spohn | 4-S Farm and Homestead | www.facebook.com/4SFarmandhomestead?mibextid=ZbWKwL | Mt Sterling | 4sfarmandhomestead@gmail.com | (614) 207-1964 | Chickens | BBS & Paint Silkies | In Process | Don't ship live animals. Chicks Jan-May. | |||
Joshua | Hail | Pitchin Hills | https://www.facebook.com/PitchinHillsFarm?mibextid=AEUHqQ | Springfield | pitchinhills@gmail.com | (937) 630-2275 | Chickens | Breese, Easter Eggers, Olive Eggers, BCM, White Leghorn | In Approval Process | Hatching eggs and chicks available during spring, summer, and fall. Shipping not available. Also have Khaki Campbell duckling and hatching eggs available. | |||
Jessica | Beard | Beard's Bird Farm | Facebook.com/beardsbirds | Springfield | zharu15@yahoo.com | (937) 561-4787 | Chickens | Ayam Cemani, Ameraucana, Silver Millie Fleur d'Uccle Bantams, Barnyard mix, EEs, Peafowl | Yes | Live chicks local pickup only Eggs local pickup or shipped | |||
Kendra | Stamy | Stamy Acres | https://www.facebook.com/stamyacres | Troy | kendrastamy@yahoo.com | (937) 216-4304 | Chickens | Coronation and Light Sussex Black and Chocolate English Orpingtons Olive Eggers Muscovy Ducklings (spring thru fall) Quail Pearl and Lavender Guinea Fowl | Yes | Hatching eggs are available and can be shipped. We hatch Feb thru July, and often have coop ready pullets available in late summer through fall. | |||
Tiffany | Schoonover | Little Schoon Poultry (LSP Homestead) | LSP Homestead | West Alexandria | hoisinelven95@hotmail.com | (937) 998-0088 | Chickens | Olive eggers first Gen Easter eggers Silkies | No | Chicks and pullets March through September Hatching eggs and eggs to eat No shipping Also have Pekin and call ducks | |||
Brooke | Bryan | Crosshatch Farm | www.crosshatchfarm.com | Xenia | brooke@crosshatchfarm.com | (937) 902-3806 | Chickens | BCMs, Wheaten Marans, Deathlayer, Welsummer, White Legbar, Cream Legbar, Black Ameraucana, Erminette Ameraucana, EEs, Cayuga Ducks | Yes | Chicks & hatching eggs | |||
Amy | Osbourne | The Quirky Bird | www.thequirkybird.farm and facebook | Yellow Springs | shop.thequirkybird@gmail.com | (513) 909-9233 | Guineas | Large Fowl - Black Copper Marans, Ameraucana(self-blue), Welsummers, Late gen olive eggers, Polish Crested Bantams - Ameraucana, Olive eggers, BLue-Laced Red Wyandottes, Mottled Cochins | Yes | ||||