Our eggs come from poultry that are allowed to roam freely on our property (pastured). We have 4 types of eggs. Customers returning a Happy Wife Acres labeled carton receive a $.50 discount.
We are again accepting recurring customers. Recurring egg customers sign up for a specific amount of eggs on recurring basis. They have priority over call-in requests for eggs. All egg sales are by reservation, so please call/text/write to order eggs. Check our inventory page (link above) to apply.
Whether you are a recurring customer or a call-in customer, there are some important rules to be aware of:
– Reminders. If you are a recurring customer, your eggs will be ready for you on the day you requested. If you are a call-in customer on the waiting list, we will tell you when your eggs are available.
– Communication is key. If you cannot pick up your eggs as scheduled, let us know. If you need to buy more or less eggs or reschedule a pickup date, let us know. We will do our best to accommodate changes.
– Failure to pick up. If you don’t pick up eggs and we haven’t heard from you, we won’t notify you. You can safely assume that the eggs intended for you are being sold to the next customer on the waiting list. Recurring customers can pick up at their next scheduled pickup date. Call-in customers will be again placed on the waiting list if desired. Recurring customers that fail to pick up two weeks in a row without notifying us will be removed from the recurring program.
Sorry to be blunt, but our eggs are in high demand. We work hard to make sure your eggs are ready, and we appreciate your on-time purchase!
Chicken Eggs are $5.00/dozen. Chicken eggs are unwashed and un-refrigerated, and are always less than 10 days old when sold (store eggs are about 45 days old when sold!). Sometimes when the weather is cool and wet, we have to wash eggs, and they may be the only ones available for sale.

Duck Eggs are $6.50/dozen. Call duck eggs are $5.50/dozen. Duck eggs are jumbo sized eggs from pastured Pekin, Khaki Campbell, and Rouen ducks. These eggs are washed and refrigerated. Ducks like to graze on grass and insects, so their yolks are very rich. Great for baking or breakfast!
Guinea Eggs are $5.50/dozen. They are a rare treat that’s hard to find anywhere! Guineas eggs are small, but they only lay in the warm months, beginning in April. Because guineas prefer to graze on insects, their yolks are super rich and tasty (even richer than duck eggs!). We only have a few guinea layers, so quantities are limited.
Quail Eggs are $4.50/18 eggs. We usually have these in stock. Quail eggs are an Asian delicacy packed with nutrition. A single quail egg provides significant amounts of vitamin B12, selenium, riboflavin, choline, and iron. Selenium and riboflavin help to transform what you eat into energy. Selenium helps to ensure healthy thyroid functions. It’s a perfect bite, and each egg is only 14 calories! Quail eggs wonderful to snack on!

Egg production peaks in May and steadily declines until December. We often sell out of eggs, so please call or text 937-361-5798 ahead of time to make sure we have some! If we are out, we will put you on a waiting list.
If we don’t have eggs available and you don’t want to wait, you can check out other local egg producing farms HERE.