Do you live in the Dayton, Ohio area in a neighborhood that doesn’t allow chickens, but wish you and your children could have the experience of raising chicks? Then we have TWO great programs for you! It’s called Rent-a-Chick and Rent-a-Chick Hatch.
RENT-A-CHICK: For a $50 rental fee, you get everything you need to raise newly hatched chicks, including a feeder, waterer, heat lamp, brooder, feed, bedding, tips to raising chicks, and of course chicks (4 to 6). Raise them, hold them, love on them. Then, after 4 weeks, bring everything back and the chicks will continue to grow up on the farm. There are 14 slots scheduled for 2025.

RENT-A-CHICK HATCH: For a $75 rental fee, you get all the equipment in the Rent-a-Chick program, plus an incubator and 10 eggs to incubate and hatch chicks. This is a great program for homeschool families who want to teach embryology. After the chicks hatch (3 weeks incubation), you’ll raise the chicks for 3 weeks. This is a 6 week commitment. There are 25 slots scheduled for 2025.
The programs run from March to September. These are very popular programs and there is usually a waiting list.
If you live in the Dayton, Ohio area, and would like to attend our workshop on Saturday, 29 March to build an Incubator-Brooder Kit, or simply buy a complete kit, click HERE.
If you want to create your own Incubator-Brooder Kit, click HERE to see a list of equipment and video about how to build the brooder yourself.