Rent-a-Chick and Rent-a-Chick HATCH reservations are below. There are 7 Rent-a-Chick rental periods with two slots each. There are 5 Rent-a-Chick HATCH rental periods with five slots each. This may change depending on demand.
When you register with one of the links below, you will be asked for your shipping address. This is so we have your home address in case of any return issues. Kits must be picked up and returned at Happy Wife Acres (8600 Haddix Rd, Fairborn), and must be returned on or before the return date.
If you prefer to use another form of payment (cash, check, Venmo, Cash App, Apple Pay Cash), please contact us at 937-361-5798. We must receive your payment before we can complete your reservation. To receive a refund, you must cancel your reservation by contacting us at least one week prior to the start date. Refunds will be made by check.
These kits go fast, so if you want a specific timeframe, don’t delay making your reservation!
RENT-A-CHICK (RAC) RESERVATIONS: (LOOKING FOR RENT-A-CHICK HATCH? KEEP SCROLLING) Rent-a-Chick reservation periods for 2025 are listed below. You can click on the link for the timeframe you want or the button below.
- RAC 1 – Thur, 3 April to Wed, 30 April
- RAC 2 – Thur, 1 May to Wed, 28 May
- RAC 3 – Thur, 29 May to Wed, 25 June
- RAC 4 – Thur, 26 June 25 to Wed, 23 July
- RAC 5 – Thur, 24 July to Wed 20, August
- RAC 6 – Thur, 21 August to Wed, 17 September
- RAC 7 – Thur, 18 September to Wed, 15 October

RENT-A-CHICK HATCH RESERVATIONS: Rent-a-Chick HATCH reservation periods for 2025 are listed below. You can click on the link for the timeframe you want or the button below.
- RACH 1: Tues, 18 March to Mon, 28 April
- RACH 2: Tues, 29 April to Mon, 9 June
- RACH 3: Tues, 10 June to Mon, 21 July
- RACH 4: Tues, 22 July to Mon, 1 September
- RACH 5: Tues, 2 September to Mon, 13 October

WAIT LIST. If the timeframe you wanted is full, you can be placed on the Wait List. We will notify you if there is an opening. You will not be asked for payment until there is an opening.